San Francisco Film Festival Seeks to Raise Awareness of Veterans’ Issues
November 11, 2016
Film Festival Seeks to Raise Awareness of Veterans’ Issues, San Francisco Chronicle Susan Sipprelle, the director of “Soldier on: Life After Deployment,” said creating the film led to a greater understanding of veterans’ issues. The 80-minute movie follows three characters as they confront different aspects of life after being discharged. One woman recovers from a military […]
Soldier On: Life After Deployment Radio Voice America Interview
November 5, 2016
On Thursday, Nov. 4, Natasha Young, retired Marine staff sergeant and one of the three main characters in Soldier On: Life After Deployment, and Sue Sipprelle, director, were interviewed by Dr. Suzanne Phillips on Voice America. In the back and forth with radio host, Dr. Suzanne Phillips, Sue Sipprelle discusses the reason that she chose to […]